蓝色尼龙棒中文 德文 英文说明书 Blue Nylon Bang Dewen English instructions blue nylon rod with the inner hole of the blue nylon rod blue nylon rods, blue nylon sleeve, rod, tube, blue nylon tube blue nylon rod price,, blue nylon sleeve, rod, tube, specifications, blue nylon pipe casting nylon rod colors are green, blue, blue, black, white, milky white, gray, can be added molybdenum disulfide nylon rods, nylon rods rods filled oil and list body cast nylon (MC nylon), reaction injection molding (RIM) nylon rod casting nylon rod casting nylon rods of cast nylon rod material because of its high strength, high hardness, toughness good, low creep wear... In the worm and worm wheel, bearing, bearing, bar, sheet, cast nylon pipe bar filling casting nylon rod and glass fiber casting type nylon rods, nylon rods manufacturer of oil cast nylon rod bar MC MC901 this material has color, black, blue and sheet bar, hard, low friction coefficient, good fatigue properties, high toughness and crystallinity, pressure resistance, tensile strength, high elastic modulus, high temperature resistant, suitable for large components, widely used in industrial manufacturing machinery, instrument Engineering, electrical components, such as bearing, gear, pump impeller, fan blades, oil resistant gasket seal, valve parts, a bushing etc.
蓝色尼龙棒中文 德文 英文说明书机械强度、刚度、硬度、韧性高 ,耐老化性能好 ,机械减振
Mechanical strength, stiffness, hardness, high toughness, good aging resistance performance, mechanical damping
这种铸型尼龙6是名副其实的自润滑尼龙,是专门为制造不能润滑、负载高以及运行速度低的零件而开发的,极大地拓宽了尼龙的应用范围,它比一般尼龙的磨擦系数低(可降低50%)而耐磨性得到提高(可提高10 倍)。 蓝色尼龙棒图实样 图图图图图彩图图片 照片,原图片 蓝色尼龙棒的基本性能,蓝色尼龙棒为深蓝色尼龙棒如下图,
This nylon self-lubricating nylon 6 is be worthy of the name, is dedicated to manufacturing cannot lubrication, high load and low running speed of parts and developmen