Poly (Dimethyl Diallyl Ammonium Chloride),PolyDADMAC
CAS No.:
Molecular Formula: (C8H16ClN) n Molecular Weight: 210000
Structural Formula:
Property: PolyDADMAC contains strong cationic group radical and activated-adsorbent group radical which can destabilize and flocculate the suspended solids and the negative-charged water soluble matters in the waste water through electro-neutralization and bridging adsorption. PolyDADMAC is very effective in flocculating, decolouring, killing algae and removing organics. PolyDADMAC enjoys small dosage but can cause big flocs, rapid precipitation and low turbidity residue. PolyDADMAC is adaptable to wide range of pH value, between 0.5 and 1.4. PolyDADMAC is smelless, tasteless and harmless.