岩棉板,是以精选的优质玄武岩为主要原料,经后天融化后,采用国际先进的四辊离心制棉工序,将玄武棉岩高温溶体甩拉成4~7μm的非连续性纤维,再在岩棉纤维中加入一定量的粘结剂、 防尘油、憎水剂,经过沉降、固化、切割等工艺,根据不同用途制成不同密度的系列产品。应用范围石化行业—石油、电力、化工行业设备的绝热保温吸音降噪建筑行业— 建筑隔墙、幕墙、屋顶和围护的绝热保温吸音降噪工矿行业—工业窑炉、烘箱、大口径储罐及船舶的保温防火等 。
技术性能 技术指标 备注
导热系数 W/(mk) 0.026-0.035 常温
渣球含量%(颗粒直径)0.25 10以下 符合GB11835-89
不燃性 A 符合GB5464
纤维直径(μ) 4-7
工作温度(℃) -268-700
酸度系数 >1.5 SiO2+Al2O3
吸湿率(%) <5
密度公差(%) ±10 符合GB11835-89
Rock wool board, based on selected basalt as main raw material , the day after melting, the use of advanced centrifuge system of four-roller cotton process, the basaltic rocks in high-temperature melt of cotton pulled into 4 ~ 7μm rejection of non-continuous fibers, and then rock wool fibers in a certain amount of binder, dust oil, water-repellent agent, after settlement, curing, cutting and other processes, according to the different uses made of different density products.Applications Petrochemical industry - oil, electricity, chemical industry e, acoustic noise insulation Construction industry - building walls and roof curtain wall insulation envelope of the acoustic noise Mining Industry - Industrial furnaces and ovens of large diameter storage tank insulation and fire prevention ships .
规格(mm):1200×600 厚度(mm):30-100
特殊规格根据要求定做 容重(kg):60-150kg/m3
广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、船泊 、纺织等各工业锅炉及设备管道的保温,也用于建筑行业的隔墙、吊顶及内外墙的保温和吸音。