Power person who join in the what series of N products join by one whorl, it has the characteristic of reliable and strong ant-vibration nature, machinery and electric performance finely. It is used in vibration and environment abominable radio e of terms and instrument and ground launch system join the coaxial cable of the radio frequency extensively.
N系列射频同轴连接器设计于十九世纪四十年代,它的5-8”-24UNEF螺纹连接保证了优越的电气和机械性能,在频率达到11GHz的时候仍然保持稳定的性能. N系列射频同轴连接器具有良好的防水性能,使用寿命长,连接可靠,适配中等尺寸的电缆.
温度范围 Temp.range -65~+165°C (PE Cable)
振 动 Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 213
特性阻抗 Impedance 50Ω
频率范围 Frequency Range DC~11GHz
工作电压 Working Voltage 1000V max (有效值)
耐 压 Withstand Voltage 2500V rms (海平面最小值)
接触电阻 Contact resistance
内导体之间 Center Contact ≤ 1 mΩ
外导体之间 Outer Contact ≤ 1 mΩ
绝缘电阻 Insulation resistance ≥ 5000 MΩ
电压驻波比 VSWR 直式 Straight ≤ 1.15
弯式 Right angle ≤ 1.25
耐用性 Durability(mating) ≥500次(cycles)
壳体 shell 黄铜 brass 镀亮镍 nickel plated
插针 contact pin 黄铜 brass 镀硬金 gold plated
弹性接触件elastic contact铍青铜 beryllium 镀硬金 gold plated
插孔 socket 铍青铜或锡青铜beryllium or tin brass 镀硬金 gold plated
绝缘体 insulator 聚四氟乙烯 PTFE
压接套 crimp ferrule 铜合金 copper alloy 镀镍或镀金 nickel or gold plated
o型密封件o-ring sealing 硅橡胶 6146 silastic