一、适用范围 Application
Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.
Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere.
Notice:Please note if need IIC grade needed.
型号含义 Model implication
二、产品特点 Featrues
■产品采用GGD配用柜柜架,采用主、副盘结构, ◆Adoptong GGD frame and structure of main panel and auxiliary
整柜包括通风系统,检压传感系统,自动控 panel.The tank consists of ventilation system,sense system,
制系统,换气系统,测量系统及电气系统。 selt-control system,gas-changable system,metering system and
产品内部可装检测仪表,分析仪表,显示仪 electric system.metering system and electric system.
表,低压电表,变频器、软起动器或计算机 It can inner-istall inspecting instrument,analysis instrument,
系统,可作为中央信号处理系统及中央控制 indicator low-voltage apparatus,ttansducer,soft starter or
系统。保护装置安全,控制柜设有换气送电 computer control system,The tank can be used as center signal
联锁装置,只有达到规定的换气时间后,方 disosal system and center control system.
能自动传送电源,并有低压自动报警及自动补 Full proection devices.Inside is arranged the inter locks of
气装置,高压自动化关气功能。密封性能可靠, changing gas and transmitting electricity.Only reaching to
壳体采用多重密封防护,保压时间长,节约运 specified time
行费用。本柜采用电缆沟座安装形式,用户 to chamge gas,it can transmit eletricity.And it provides fun
需配备洁净或惰性气体起源。可多台并排安装, ctions of low-voltage automatic alarming,self-charging gas
联机运行。制造时、用户须提供完整的电气 ctions of low-voltage automatic alarming,self-charging gas
系统图,控制系统内装材料清单。 and high-pressure sel