产品特点:用配置:进入关门,自动吹风,退出关门不吹风。选用配置:电子联锁、光电控制、闭门器、门左右开向、内 部底板是否不锈钢等,均为定货时,由需方提出。
特点 1、 系统自动控制运行,双门电子互锁,并设有光电感应器。 2、 整体冷轧钢板制作,外表面静电喷塑处理。 3、 门、底板、喷嘴均采用不锈钢制造,美观大方。 4、 模块化组装方案,可以按实际需要拼装成各种长度的风淋尺寸,组装运输极为方便。 5、 风淋时间0-99秒可调。 6、 采用初、高效两级过滤系统。 7、 为了达到最佳吹淋效果,风嘴出风口风速高达 25m /s以上,吹到人体上风速 18m /s以上,出厂的初始风淋时间设置为15秒。 8、 采用EVA密封材料,密闭性能高。
可选配件 1、 红外线感应自动移门、自动卷帘门、气动门、双开门等 2、 ULPA超高效过滤器 3、 全不锈钢材质 4、 底板无门槛配置,可方便货车出入 5、 黄光灯/紫外线杀菌灯/急停开关
Product Description: This is a highly versatile partial purification e, installed in the clean room and non-clean room partition between the Department for personnel or items entering the clean area of the blowing leaching. After use can be effective in reducing the dust into the clean area, clean area so that to maintain a normal working condition.
Product characteristics: using configuration: to enter the closed, automatic hair, hair does not exit closed. Optional configurations: Electronic Interlocking, photoelectric control, closed-door, and opened the door about the internal floor is stainless steel and so on, are the order when made by the demand side.
Configuration characteristics:
Air Shower Room is clean clean-room factories and ancillary support e for the wind to enter the cle