适用范围:家具制造 产品用途:主要用于普通封边机封边后的修整工作,用于齐头、仿形、倒角 重量: 30(kg) 电机功率:440(W) 主轴转速:24000(rpm) 外形尺寸:650x530x490(mm) 高速仿形修角机是世界首创的专利产品,始于澳大利亚。它主要用于普通封边机封边后的修整工作,用于齐头、仿形、倒角,主要特点:体积小、效率高、价格低、可靠性强、操作简单。本产品半年之内保修。 End rounding machine is designed by this company and is ourpatent product. It is mainly used fortrimming the corner banded after the general edge banding and cutting the unnecessary parts of the edge band. This machine is originated from the head in Australia. Main characteristics: small, efficient,inexpensive, reliable and operation simple.