使用范围:Range of application
Constant temperature water tank widely used on Biology, chemistry, physics, for precision constant temperature on plants, chemical and other scientific direct heating refrigeration auxiliary heating and cooling purposes.
Constant temperature water tank structure for the metal rectangle, is made of cold rolled steel plate elaborate shell, stainless steel tank, digital display temperature controller, power supply, water pumps were installed inside the control box, constant temperature trough has a core components - microcomputer intelligent control system, is used to control the change of temperature, finally, reach the role of a constant temperature.
1. 熟悉仪器及控制面板部分,用兆欧表测量电源,插头,接地是否有绝缘不良或短路情况。
Familiar with the instruments and control panel part, megohm meter was used to measure power supply, plug, and grounding for insulation fault or short circuit.
2. 按温度设定方法设定好实验温度,待温度恒定之后,即可开始实验。
According to set method to set the experimental temperature, after the temperature constant, can begin the experiment
The constant temperature heating solution, use distilled water is best, banning the use of river water and hard water, use tap water, should clean temperature ,pot prevent the heater on because of the accumulation of scale, constant temperature sensitivity.