□ 中宝密集架结合国外设计思路从原理上解决传统密集架结构上的特点。选料及工艺力求精益求精,每一环节都非常讲究,所用板村均为SPCC冷轧钢板。钢料硬度达到国家最高行业标准,是大型档案集中的必备首选。
□ 每列架体均设有安全限位及防倾倒装置,以保障通道内人员安全。边架装有锁具,用于整体锁闭。
□ 架体之间的接触面均有缓冲和磁性密封胶条,顶部有防尘板,底部有防 鼠装置,具有良好的防尘、防鼠、防潮和防火功能。
□ 传动机构采用链条和精密轴承,传动灵活平衡,只用两个手指即可转动,层板层距根据需要可自由调整。
□ U型可移动书档,每列加装制动阀。
>>> zb-1 型 密集架尺寸规格:
S pecifications of model HX-1 mass shelf
1 、实际占用空间 Actual area
〖〔列数×列宽〕+1000 〗×列高×列长〔单位:mm 〕
〖〔 count series × wide series 〕+1000 〗× hige series × length series 〔 unit :mm 〕
2 、单 例 For example
Width 节距
Interval 架高
High 层数
Section 层高
Hight of section 组数
No.of piece 架长
Lenth of shelf
5 06 3 2 1950
6 331 3 2850
560 7 280 4 3750
8 242 5 4650
9 212 6 5550
>>> 轨道辅设形式
Sectional drawing of land track sets Sectional drawing of slanting land track sets Sectional drawing of buried land track sets
密集架配件 fitting of mass shelf
Absorbing advantages from foreign design.Hexing Concenrated Racks have sofved somefauIts in the ordinary racks. The Racks was made of the the "SPCC"chiIled rolI steeIs wlthgood technofogy.The hardness of the steel reachs the highest national standard.HongguangRack is the best chtoces for storing files,
In order to protect workers, Every Rack has an instaIlat:on which can llmit the rack for safetyand can prevent the rack down.
The compositon face of each r8ck has buffer and hermetically rubber. with dustproof board inthe top and mouseproof borad beneath, the Rack has good fections ofdustproof. mouseproof. dampproof and fireproof.
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