产品型号 ZK6-B ZK7-B CS8
农机编号 6SXZ-384 6SXZ-448 6SXZ-480
产量(t/h) 8-13 10-15 12-20
带出比(坏:好) ≥8:1 >8:1 >8:1
选净率(%) 99% >99% >99%
电源电源(v/Hz) 220/50 220V/50 220V/50
功率(Kw) 1.0-3.1 1.5-3.5 2.0-5.0
气源压力(Mpa) 0.6-0.8 0.6-0.8 0.6-0.8
气源消耗(L/min) <4500 <5000 <5800
机器重量(Kg) 0
外型尺寸(mm) 2596***1500*1950
备注: 本参数均以玉米为例(含杂为3%),具体指标因物料和含杂量不同而有变化;
Remarks: The parameters are based on corn (trash content is 10%), specific indices are subject to change according to the material and trash content;
Products are subject to update without prior notice, please see the actual products.