Product type: OBO V25-B/3+NPE-385V
产 品 名 称:加强型三相四线防雷器
Product Name: strengthen type three-phase four line lightning arrester
A, V25-B lightning protection function
OBO V25-B高能量防雷器内含一个特别的压敏电阻电路,该电路由具备性能良好的非线性特性(>30)的氧化锌压敏电阻组成。这使得该防雷器即使在高能量的过电压冲击下,也能够最大限度地实现保护。其保护水平为在100KA/10As冲击下,残压不超过2kV。因此,该防雷器能够承受来自于直接雷击下的部分雷电流。当线路过载情况发生时,防雷器内部的断路器,会自动将失效的防雷器模块从主电路分断开来,同时模块上用于监视工作状态的显示窗口的颜色会由绿色转变为红色。
OBO V25-B high power lightning protection device contains a special pressure sensitive resistance circuit, the circuit with nonlinear characteristics of good performance (>30) of the Zinc Oxide pressure-sensitive resistor. This makes the lightning overvoltage impact even in high energy, also can realize the maximum protection. The level of protection in the 100KA/10As under the impact, the residual pressure of not more than 2kV. Therefore, the lightning protection device can bear part of lightning current from direct lightning strikes. When an overload situation, lightning protection device inside, lightning protection module will automatically failure from the main circuit breaking apart, at the same time module for monitoring the working state display window colors from green to red.
Two, V25-B lightning protection device specific configuration
AS 声光报警模块 附带声音与灯光报警的功能底座,给该底座供一220V单相市电,在正常的情况下灯光显示为绿等,当有模块损坏时,报由绿色变成闪烁的红灯,并伴有“嘀嘀”报警声,提醒维护人员更换。
AS sound light alarm with sound and light alarm base module, give the base for a single-phase 220V power, in the case of normal light is green, when the module is damaged, report from green into a flashing red light, accompanied by the "beep" sound the alarm, to remind the maintenance personnel to replace.